
Días como este despiertan sonrisas inocentes, reviven corazones hasta despegar un vuelo eterno, de los que te hacen sentir inmortal, viviendo una realidad cargada de rosas y besos hasta que tu ilusa mente despierta rodeada de falsedad e historias utópicas las cuales te hicieron habitar una existencia inalcanzable. Te quedas observando como todo lo que un día tu corazón idealizó se va desvaneciendo hasta llegar a lo más hondo del vacío de la pasión. Aún sin fuerzas para rectificar intentas mantenerte firme sin mirar atrás para seguir ese duro camino del que todos subsistimos con el consuelo que la esperanza nos concede.

“Unless it’s mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it’s a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life; Love shouldn’t be one of them.”   

 — Dream for an Insomniac

Soul sister...

Its already been a long time that we haven’t been together and i honestly miss you so much. I never could imagine before to come to America how hard would be coming back to the reality, without you. I think i should let you know how much you changed my life. I guess you already know how important you are for me, but i just want to take this little time of your life to remain you the awesome soul that you keep inside, a unique mind that I would never switch for anything.
I am afraid to make a mistake saying that we will always be together, because as you told me one time, life take many turns. Some we appreaciate it and make us happy but there are others that just make us lose our mind. I could wish so many times to keep you close to me but  to make it real there is just one essential thing to do; we need to wish together!    

I wouldn’t be the person that I am right now if i never met you, because you helped me grow by telling me your ideas of life, you gave me good advices, you tought me how to resolve my problems by the good way, you got my smile when the fear was devouring me, you saw me crying, laughing, afraid, angry, happy…. You saw me of all the ways I can ever be. Spite of everything, since the first day I met you, you have always been next to me, always! And I have thank you that, but I still have to thank you a lot more. I believe that I will never be able to recompense everything you have done for me because becoming a sister, a real sister is hard to catch up just with words, there are not enough to equalize your perfect soul.
As you know, today is a really important day, speaking clearly this is your day, just for you, Enjoy it as much as you can, smile and laugh as much as I know you can do because you deserve more than anything, never forget it. 
Happy Birthday Sister.

PD: I love you my only sister